Parenting Perspective

I had a choice the other day when one of the junior members of my tribe asked me to join him for a bowl of popcorn and a show we both enjoy. My temptation was to say that it didn’t work…we were moving our office. That meant that I was doing a bunch of things during the day for the move, leaving things normally done during the day for the evening. I had things to do. The pressure was on. And the invitation…on a first knee jerk reaction…felt like it was annoying…one more pressure on a busy day.

But before I answered, I took a deep breath.

And reminded myself what a privilege it is to be asked to come hang out by a family member. How there will come a day when I will pine for the days of snuggling up on the couch with a junior one…and all I will have to draw on will be the memories. How much I truly do love to hang out with junior tribe members.

And then I was reminded of a little poster I have in the house:

“A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove…but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.”


Forest E. Witcraft

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Popcorn, snuggles, and time with family won. The work waited.

Don’t regret my choice. 🙂

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