Full Steam Ahead with the Move

Walls washed? Check
Walls painted? Check
Wall built? Check

Insulation installed? Check
Door installed? Tomorrow
Alarm figured out? Hopeless…and trust me, anybody who may be thinking about breaking in…don’t try it. The alarm works consistently and without fail when not disarmed properly, and can create physical pain to all those who trigger it for whatever reason (you can tell I have learned this through multiple life experiences, and it wasn’t pretty…but I digress)

Bergen and Associates Counselling is ready to move into 1483 Pembina Highway in April, 2011 to provide quality couple conselling and individual therapy for depression or axiety couselling
Things are on track for us to move our Pembina Highway office location this weekend. It is going to feel great to move into our new digs and settle in. We’re busy packing and sorting (amazing how stuff can collect over the years), putting on final touches, and planning where furniture will go. It will be busy, but exciting.

Once again, I am humbled by the support I receive from Melanie, our office manager, as we figure out the myriad of details, address changes, lock details, and so on. Some members of my immediate and extended tribe have logged in long hours of work on the new place, and friends and family will join in our weekend U Haul adventure. “It takes a village” to help a therapist move the counselling agency up the street…and for that I am grateful (and still a fairly stressed!) 🙂

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