Aargh…Blossom pinching season

I worked hard on my flower beds this weekend…given the rain we’ve had the last couple of days, it seemed like this would give them a good soak right after they got planted…and if I waited for the sunshine, it might be a long while before I could get into the dirt, given the rainfall …

One woman’s counselling diary

Going to counselling is tough. In fact, so tough, that many people avoid it as long as possible. For many, that means counselling happens once things are “past the point of no return”. It’s unfortunate…because that actually can give counselling a bad rap…when people go only as they are already packing their bags to leave …

Nice Moment

Some days have neat moments when things come together and the world just feels like it’s a good place to be. It sort of makes a deep giggle come from somewhere in me–it’s not that anything is particularly funny, bur rather just profoundly delightful. It’s not even that big of a deal, except that it …

Feedback Enhanced Therapy–Good Success

Had a great therapists’ meeting on Saturday. The therapists at Bergen and Associates Counselling get together every so often for lunch on a Saturday. After going over the mundane usual matters (clean up your dishes, this is where the new form is kept, blah, blah, blah), we spent some time talking with each other about …

It’s OK for a warrior to seek help

Yesterday’ America’s Got Talent show had an act that auditioned for it that caught my ear. I love a capella singing at the best of times, but this one melted me. It’s not easy to be a military veteran, trying to assimilate back into North American culture after having witness the atrocities of war, after …

A Wince that Heals and Understands

I’m a student of the therapy profession. I love to know what makes an therapist an exceptional one, what a therapist does that is helpful, that gives a person hope, that has the person believing enough after the first session that it feels worthwhile to come back. Therapy is a risky venture as a person …

Consider counselling

Therapy, or counselling as it is often known is seen by skeptics as something for the weak who don’t have the strength for their own problems. Or for the clueless, who can’t think for themselves. Or for the self-centered who need to hear themselves talk. Or only for women who need to “talk about their …