Life Lessons #3 Opposites don’t forever attract

We’ve all been told that opposite attract…well…that might be true for magnets and for black cat hair on white pants…but not so much for couples.

We continue our series looking at the 5 surprising but valid principles of relationships outlined in the latest issue of Psychology Today.

For a long lasting union, look for someone who shares similar values regarding:


  • spirituality/religion
  • spending patterns
  • the way alcohol, drug use, partying play a role in your lives
  • child rearing
  • career importance, tidiness of house, household division of labor

and so on. 

It’s not about finding your mirror-person…someone identical to you in every way, but about finding someone who wants a lifestyle similar to yours..the “big picture stuff”

Psychology Today writes that similar values will create for longer lasting sustainable relationships

Then…you want chemistry…the ways in which the other person captures your attention because they are different than you…and learning and watching the other, and being with the other is interesting and fascinating, and propels you to being a better person.  So…you might like hiking, and the other photography…and so you both go on hikes and practice photography.  She might like cooking and you like travel…so you go to exotic places and she gets ideas for new culinary adventures.  You’re interested in politics and he is into social services…and so the two of you invest in a cause you both believe in.

MIx it up a little…on the interesting stuff of life to challenge and celebrate the differences to keep the relationship engaging and fresh

…and find common ground on the core foundational values that will keep you close to each other in the long run.


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