
Flowers are the sweetest things God

ever made and forgot to put a soul into.

– Henry Ward Beecher, Life Thoughts



If you pass by the color purple in a
field and

don’t notice it, God gets real pissed off.

– Alice Walker

An amaryllis bloom challenges us and inspires us to see beauty in the midst of dark times.

The amaryllis has bloomed…it is dark and dreary outside, but in here, this charmer reminds me that the color in life persists.

I’m delighted that her first bloom opened on December 21st…the “longest night”. It was like she knew that was the day the world needed her to show up.

Alice Walker, in her own rather direct way, is a little pushy about the requirement to see beauty where it exists. I like her style…and I’m remembering to “not piss God off” by noticing the flash of colors in my life.

Look for purple in your field today, and don’t pass it by without notice.

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