Conexus Counselling blog on family gatherings: Family is eessential because we all yearn to feel like we belong to something greater than ourselves. Laura Ramirez

The Ups and Downs of Family Gatherings

This weekend is Thanksgiving.  In a couple of months will be Christmas.  Several months after that will be Easter, then Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and July Long Weekend…all of these occasions for times with family. The week running up to Thanksgiving can be a preoccupied one at a counselling centre.  And the week after it, …

Trauma from a Distance

Today, September 11, is a day that I remember well in 2001.  I was driving to work when I heard about the World Trade Center tower being hit as the top story of the news.  By the time I got to my office, the second tower had been hit.  By the time we finished our …

Accident on the Coquihalla

**Trigger warning…some graphic accident info described.  Stop reading if you could be triggered, please. After 4 days of travel, we were on the Coquihalla, almost to our destination on the West Coast…and then we came upon the scene.  The tour bus had done a complete roll, landing on the side of the highway…missing all the …


Today is a day we honour fathers in our lives…”Father’s Day”…and folks all over the city are having brunches, breakfasts of dried out cold toast or limp waffles, and BarBQ’s. The value of fathers in a child’s life cannot be overestimated. Having a father to affirm your personhood, to celebrate who you are, to remind …

Parenting Through Divorce

No doubt about it.  Divorce is painful. Excruciating. It rocks a family’s world. And with that then, like it or not, divorce rocks a child’s world.  For some kids, it is a welcome relief from the fighting and the stress and the fear that kids feel when their parents are at each other’s throats, metaphorically …

A Man’s Desire

Too often, men don’t get to   be who they really are, say what they really feel have their outside match their inside express what they really think Men get shut down, shut out, cut off from the best parts of who they are when society, their community, maybe even their own family tells them …

The Hidden Cost of Public Protection

Becoming a good soldier, a good cop, or a good fire fire fighter and being a warm, engaged, vulnerable partner/parent is difficult. Because being a good public protector means not staying in control, dominating, exerting power and never showing vulnerability…it’s a requirement to stay alive on the battle field… …and sets that same public protector up for …

11 years since 9-11

The day North Americans learned what it was like to feel terror; to grieve for fathers, sons, wives, sisters…friends of friends of friends; to understand how it changes the world when buildings are randomly destroyed with so many inside.  Innocent lives lost, other innocent lives forever changed. Use the time of the video to remember …

Growth Underneath the Crap

I generally dislike spring clean up…ok…that’s more polite that I really feel about it… I hate spring clean up. I hate it almost worse than fall clean up…mainly because I put it off so long last fall, that it didn’t get done properly, and so there were more leaves and stuff left behind than should. …

Honoring the Remembering

Today, in honor and memory of those who went and didn’t come back, and for those who mourn them and remain behind, for those who went and came back never to be the same, for those that live with them forever changed… we remember. At our house, it was a somber and quiet moment this …