Dancing with a limp today

Today the skies are cloudy and grey…and for me, it is fitting. This is the day of visiting the grave, and remembering what might have been. An annual day of sadness that is as much a part of my life as Christmas and birthdays. Some years it has a gut wrenching quality to it…other years, …

A Classy Act of Grace

I was in Toronto a few weeks ago at a National Volleyball tournament. Teams of teenaged boys and girls from across the country come together to play copious amounts of volleyball in a huge center in Toronto…dozens of courts. Love watching volleyball. One game I was watching was a particularly competitive one…the games were very …

Ordinary Courage

I signed me up for a class: Brene Brown and Jen Lemen’s Ordinary Courage: Lessons in Love, Shame, and Worthiness. Pray for me, please. 🙂 It’s a six week class…and my own teaching is still two classes shy of finishing at the university…but it’s been a while since I sunk my teeth into something consistent …

Focus on the Intent, not the Content

D’ya notice how often people don’t say what they mean, because they know what they have to actually say to get what they actually want? This weekend, I was sitting in the bleachers of a gym…and the woman beside me dropped a bottle of Gatorade underneath the bleacher…and it rolled several feet several feet sideways …


Love this powerful example of how, when two get together, they are greater than the sum of their parts…and how each celebrate the magic of the chemistry, and choose to powerfully build the other up…and all who watch benefit from seeing this magic.

What Forgiveness is NOT…

Forgiveness is an oft misunderstood concept…and tho simple in its steps, is far from easy to do. Forgiveness is a posture in oneself towards another who has wronged you that moves past the pain of the wrong, to open oneself up to larger possibilities…it focuses on the fullness of life, rather than the wrong of …

When a Little Pain is a Big Pain–for real

Sometimes it hurts a lot even when it isn’t a big deal…because even when it doesn’t look like a big deal, it’s a big deal. Confusing? Yep. Let me explain it with a story… so, last week, a junior tribe member got an unexpected lower limb fashion accessory late in the evening: It’s broken. It …

While you can…

I saw the movie The Descendants on New Year’s Eve, on the recommendation of a good friend of mine. She said the cinematography was beautiful (and it was) and George Clooney was in it…that sold me. ☺ Nothing like a movie set in Hawaii on a winter’s afternoon in Winterpeg! It was a fitting movie …

Inevitable Interpersonal Event

I’ve been marking exams this week…exams that first year Professional Master’s Occupational Therapy students have written on how to conduct a clinical interview. I have read about “Inevitable Interpersonal Events”, oh, about 48 times this week. (Let’s just say marking isn’t in my “Top 10” of favorite things to do.) An Inevitable Interpersonal Event is …

Tis the Season to Drink

December is a time of merry-making…and when people make decisions (or don’t make decisions and just “what happens happen”, which is a sort of passive decision) about drinking. If, when, and how much. Drinking…how do you make your decisions about drinking? I was called the other day to do an interview about how to talk …