Leaving footprints

Following 5 full days of learning and experiencing The Daring Way™ program, I had a free day to wander around the river walk today thinking and meandering and watching and gazing and musing and quietly thinking some more. The pathways, waterfalls and beautiful views alongside the water are relaxing and peaceful. After full days of thinking …

Terrified courage

Folks that run into a burning building to rescue a child are regarded as brave heroes.  And we often think of brave heroes as folks who fearlessly do very dangerous things. I’m thinking that anybody that enters a burning building without fear isn’t brave…I would think that’s more like a special kind of stupid. That’s …

Introversion FAQ’s

What is an introvert? How can I know if I’m an introvert? An introvert is someone who feels most alive when they are with smaller groups of people or alone.  When an introvert looks to “recharge their batteries”, they will look to spend time by themselves or in small groups. An introvert doesn’t crave large …

Anxiety creates distance

Think about the last time a person intimidated you…maybe he was someone you wanted to impress, or maybe he was very articulate, or maybe he was someone you really wanted to be liked by.  The stakes were high…and you were scared. Quick, without thinking about it, how do you behave? I’ll tell you what many …

Forgiveness is stronger than napalm

On June 8, 1972, Kim Phuc’s life blew up…literally.  Four bombs were dropped on her village and the little 9 year old girl found herself running out of the middle of a 1200 degree firestorm with burns from the napalm on much of her body. Her parents found her three days later in the local …

Hump Day Nudge: Playful attunement

I love being a witness to human connection…this intricate interplay that is a dance of people attuning to another. Without even trying, we pick up on signals from others all the time and respond to them…again without conscious effort. Things happen without explanation…the explanation isn’t needed, because the relationship just makes obvious what happens next. …

Marriage Rules

  “Tell me what to do!!” I often get couples asking me what a healthy marriage looks like…what behaviors and strategies set them up for success. One of the questions I often ask couples is, “How do you know what you want your marriage to look like?”  Increasing numbers of couples don’t have an answer …