Relationship Maintenance

Nothings wrong with a tune-up…but do you bother? I took my car in last week to Winnipeg Honda Service Department…it had been on my mind to get the car in before the snow flew. September and October were crazy months of teaching and driving tribe members hither and yon…and so by the time I got …

The Other Side of Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving Monday…the day many gather as families to eat turkey…or maybe lasagna, or a roast. And tomorrow, if it is as it is other years, the phone at our office will ring. Someone will have made 3 or 4 different pies, been too exhausted to enjoy the gathering, and enormously hurt because no …

Groban: A Reminder of Connecting

So, last night I was at the Josh Groban concert!!! And it was great…in many ways. His music is beautiful, the set was gorgeous, it was funny in moments…and it was a huge treat for me…between looking after my junior tribe members and my two jobs, I don’t really get out much. But my brother, …

Can you say this…

…to your life partner, your business partner, your child, your BFF…and mean it? I want to: love you without clutching appreciate you without judging join you without invading invite you without demanding leave you without guilt criticize you without blaming and help you without insulting If I can have the same from you then we …

Band Aid Solutions

I’ve often heard of people speaking of a “band aid solution”…and when it is said, it is usually with a note of derision. It’s a bad thing to have a band aid solution…implies that a person is not addressing the issue at its source, and is providing a temporary and inadequate solution. I’m not so …

Cooperation and Connection

I remember being on the threshold of graduation from university. While my fellow students and I knew we were fortunate to have the opportunity to attend university, many of us were weary from living on a student budget. We sat around dreaming about the day was going to be like when we received our first …

Tell Someone She is Amazing

When is the last time you told a friend that s/he was amazing? Kim McGregor lost her friend, Erika Heller, in 2009, because of colon cancer. Kim misses Erika for all sorts of wonderful reasons, one of which is that Erika ended their converstaions with the words, “I think you’re amazing because…” As a tribute …

Paying for Benign Neglect

My hard drive crashed last week. On Friday afternoon, after a fabulous 2 day workshop during which I typed copious notes onto my laptop, after I prepared a lengthy presentation, after I had nearly completed writing a couple of blog entries, the computer froze. The Apple Genius (confident types, those self-named-guys are) knew how to …


The first duty of love is to listen Tillich   Active listening is important. If you don’t know what to say when someone you care about is talking, you’re not sure you have anything brilliant to add, that’s OK. Don’t feel pressure to be brilliant—just let him or her know what you thought you heard …