Inside Out: Your Inside Family and Outside Family

Yes…Bergen and Associates Therapists are Pixar’s Inside Out fans.  Lindsey Walsh continues our love for the movie…and explains why he, even before he sees them movie, loves the concepts behind it. Has Hollywood finally gotten something Absolutely Right? My wife and I have a date to go see Pixar’s Inside Out. I can hardly wait any longer. …

Joy and Sadness: Thoughts on the Inside Out Movie

Therapists love Inside Out, the movie that gives a window into folks’ emotions.  It may be a cartoon, but there’s some well respected neuroscience in it, and the movie gives voice to the way we often talk to clients about different parts of themselves.  So…we will be hearing from a couple of therapists and their …

First Row Living–Co-hosting Radio Live!

There are some things I absolutely knew I would NOT do in my life.  Astronaut.  Brain Surgeon, Professional Race Car Driver. Radio Talk Show Host.  Y’know…some things are just beyond a person’s scope of imagination…it’s not remotely possible, with skills I would never, ever have. Being these wasn’t gonna happen for me. Except one is. …

What is Your Calling?

Our newest therapist, Lindsey Walsh, lets us in on his thoughts today… Do you have a calling? I’m guessing you probably do, even if you don’t know it yet. I must confess: I’m a late bloomer. A veeery late bloomer. Winter wheat late. Trick-or-Treating at American Thanksgiving late. Late. And yet, here I am, nearing …

Mothering is an attitude

For a lotta years, I was a single mom to my Junior Tribe Members. There wasn’t always enough of me to go around with the driving and cooking and working and supporting and talking and cleaning and all the other things that all mothers do every day. One of my JTM was on a team …

Disappointed but appreciative

And here’s another thoughtful thought from Sabrina Friesen… I am mama to a sports fanatic.  My little guy learned his letters and how to sound out words by writing out the team rosters for the Blue Jays, Steelers, and the Jets. He’s learned how to Google search players and team lists, and spends countless hours …

A letter to Car: Your friends

Dear Carolyn, Life is messy, isn’t it?  Exquisitely so, maybe…but exquisitely messy. My marriage to your husband, I think, is a classic example. Even that sentence, sounds odd, doesn’t it? Let me explain. At your service, your love of packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child was mentioned several times. Your husband said that you imagined …

A letter to Car: Your kids

Dear Carolyn, They wore red. Each of them. Their shirt or in their tie. It was your favorite color and one of the many ways they honored your memory that day. I remember them walking in to the church and down the aisle to the the front, all slow and somber and dressed up. They cleaned up real …