Losing the Life One Wants to Live

When the urgent takes precedence over the important in our lives, we lose ourselves in the process. The pace of our lives can stop us from being who we know we are, who we really want to be. I was listening to a discussion the other day regarding a study outlined by Malcolm Gladwell in …

Da Nile Ain’t Just a River In Egypt

My brain was successfully escaping the fact that it is mid-fall. I’ve been in denial, pleasantly so. That hasn’t been hard to pull off, actually. The beautiful weather would have us all believe it is still summer. I see the warm sun streaming down the window, see clients come in to session with tank tops …

You are the butter to my bread

…and the breath to my life. So goes a line of love repeated in the movie Julie and Julia. I went to see it tonight…a lovely summer night that allowed me the treat of the long walk to and from the movie theater. It was a lovely movie, and no doubt, men from all over …

A Tangible Success

The “IKEA effect” is alive and well in my household. I talk and listen for a living. Clients will tell me ways in which their therapy sessions change their lives in ways which I find awesome and humbling. However, there isn’t always a lot of tangible signs that I have made a difference when I …

Being Aware of Beauty

Sometimes the focus on the destination has us missing the beauty of the present: Joshua Bell is a renowned American violinist. His concerts regularly sell out because of the public’s desire to hear his music. He is playing on a violin worth millions of dollars. And… only a few stopped to listen. When I saw …

The memories of high school

Tomorrow is my high school reunion. Hard to believe all those years have gone by since high school. I was asked to pray a blessing for the meal, and so this morning during my run, I thought about the ways in which my life was blessed in my high school experience. A few stood out: …

An effective strategy for gangs.

David Kennedy, a researcher in New York has a simple plan to reduce gang crime by 50%. WOW! And it’s not putting people in jail. That doesn’t work. He was interviewed by CBC this morning. The plan, in a nutshell, is this: Reps from the local gangs are invited to a meeting (it’s not hard …

When God closes a door, He opens a window

Maria’s line from the Sound of Music has often intrigued me, sometimes frustrated me in its seeming naivete, and sometimes has me humbled with it’s truth. I was running along today listening to a podcast describing a couple’s adventure on a tandem bike. They biked hundred of miles across the country. He was blind, but …

Holding the complexities of life

I often learn more by watching, observation, and experience, than by hearing a principle being taught. This week I’ve watched and learned about the incredible ability to hold life’s experience in balance and tension. I’ve admired people as, several times this week, I’ve witnessed individuals being able to hold both tragedy, struggle, joy and delight …


Dr. James Krahn, a Winnipeg physician, was speaking the other day to a group of people about how to deal with the awesome issues of life, including facing one’s death. He spoke about connecting with oneself, and being able to recognize anger in oneself, without actually becoming “Anger”…being able to speak for a part in …