The Daring Way™ and Rising Strong™ workshops offered this spring in Winnipeg, Manitoba as weekend workshops!

The Daring Way™ and Rising Strong™ workshops offered this spring in Winnipeg, Manitoba as weekend workshops!
When you fall as low as you can go, and then you fall through the trap door,
We share custody of the world with COVID-19. We need to have both a healthy fear and a healthy realism moving forward. We need to balance both.
Can you remember being 16? Could you possibly imagine what a pandemic would have been like for you when you were a teen? I can, and it gives me the shivers! I didn’t go to school to learn. I went to hang out with friends. I liked sports practice, but I liked talking on the …
Dear Premier Pallister, I looked online yesterday to see about an interview I did with Global News on Friday about the recent horrible assault on the liquor store employee in Tyndall Park. I stumbled upon an article that mentions the two of us. The article quoted you as saying: “Ultimately, it’s just got to be …
Register for Rising Strong™ being held in Winnipeg November 22-24, 2019
One of the fun parts of being married to a carpenter is the ability to mention a wish in passing…and then getting it for Christmas! I told Husband I loved the idea of being neighbourly–I had taken a great book last summer from someone else’s library and I wanted to return the favour to the …
I went to court the other day. In life, sometimes, our friends could use our help moving from one house to another, or with a meal when someone dies. That’s what we do, right? And when their child is facing charges, you go to court to sit with them. No one should have to be …
We’ve all heard: Fool me once, shame on you Fool me twice, shame on me It’s vulnerable to feel compassion and care towards people who you find out later apparently were the ones who did the damage themselves. When there are mixed stories, and we don’t know who to believe, it gets even more confusing. …
Dear Carolyn-bride, You didn’t know me all those years ago at 22—but you would have known I would be coming one day. I’ve been thinking a lot about you. This is a momentous anniversary of something now gone, and so I’ve been thinking about you more than usual in the last couple of days. Today …