From Is Premarital Counselling for you? The short answer is a resounding YES. Getting married without pre-marriage prep is like starting a business or any important venture without preparing. Half of all marriages end in divorce and only half of those that endure are truly happy in the long run. Many happy engaged couples …
Premarital Counselling helps my Grandkids?
The emotional health of your grandchildren may be one of the most underrated and most compelling reasons for premarital counselling. I’m not making this up. This will make sense in a minute or two. I promise. The second half of this video is important for the discussion: So…how does what a child needs to …
The Pain of Divorce
Morning radio typically does not make me weep. However, I found myself wiping my eyes as I was driving to work the other day. The show was previewing and discussing the documentary, “How to divorce and not wreck the kids”. The show is looking at effective ways couples can work to separate in a way …