I like to be thorough when I do something. Do a job as I’m told, and do it well. That’s not an unusual characteristic of someone. So…watch the video and see if you can do a good job at the assigned task: Did you get the right number? But did it prevent you from seeing …
Helping You Cry
Years ago, I was in the hospital for a time, staying with crucially and dangerously ill people whom I loved who were not expected to “make it”. Laying vigil with imminent death nearby was painfully excruciating. Friends and family would drop by, as part of showing love and care, often wanting to “cheer me up”. …
Bittersweet Anniversaries
Anniversaries are often times of marking and celebrating…wedding anniversaries are a time to remember and celebrate the union of husband and wife. Often on those times, there is a special marking of the day, sometimes watching the wedding video, flipping through the photo album, or going out for dinner and remembering the day and the highlights …
Today was a day
Today was a day. Where do I start? It was a luxurious day…although I had a regular day at work, Spring Break has afforded me a break from much of he usual routine. I have set aside the extra time this week to catch up on things that have been waiting for too long to …
Death Anxiety
I was listening to a DVD of an interview with Irvin Yalom, one of the formative psychotherapists in my training today. He quoted a line of his colleague, Otto Rank: “Some refuse the loan of life to avoid the debt of death” He talked about how some are so afraid of dying, that they never …
My name was safe in her mouth
I was at a family wedding shower last weekend. Brave girl, the new cousin-to-be, daring to walk into a room full of aunts, cousins, and second cousins all of whom are related to her fiancee, and most of whom are complete strangers to her. She did great, and now has enough small appliances to stock …
A Thought
Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: You don’t give up. Anne Lamott
Back in the Dark
Daylight Savings Time…aargh! I love sunshine, and the last couple of weeks were wonderful as I could have my morning tea looking outside and watching the dog walkers, checking out the size of the puddles on the street, and just generally enjoying watching the world wake up. This morning…not so much. Daylight Savings Time has …
A Thought
“To love another person is to see the face of God”. Les Miserables, the Musical
Celebrate Women!
Today is International Women’s Day, day when women are acknowledged and celebrated. A day when the challenges faced by women in various parts of the world are highlighted. A day to raise awareness of the courage of women, the inspiration of women, and to remember the unique qualities of women that make our world a …