The power of love

 The real source of a mothers unparalled influence…the power of her love  The daily loving acts of a mother are the power that enables the child to truly become.  Jenet Erickson, Ph D. Poster by Bergen and Associates

I think sometimes moms get caught up in the hoopla of the research of how to stimulate children’s brains, what to feed kids, how much screen time to allow, how to develop math skills, have the children learn a second or third language, how much physical activity/sleep/playdates etc. to have…and forget what is most important in being a parent to a child.

When we let go of our worries, and embrace our children–often–for who they are, when we celebrate their little personhood, when we believe in them more than they believe in themselves, when we create a safe haven in which they can push themselves…well, they will simply feel loved.

And that love is important–vital, and life-giving.

The power of connection in parenting cannot be underestimated.

Love this moment from the sports world…Kevin Durant is the MVP of the National Basketball Association. But Kevin is clear that the true MVP is his mom…for all the little things she did to show that she was present, that she cared, that she believed in him, that she loved him.

It’s a moving moment for us all…



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