Hump Day Nudge: Someone isn’t listening

We all need to poke fun at ourselves sometimes, to laugh at ourselves in a gentle way that highlights truth in a humorous way…not to humiliate or shame ourselves, but just to invite ourselves to see things from a different angle.

Hey girlfriend, if you’ve got a spouse or a male co-worker nearby who needs a laugh, pull them over to watch this with you.

He will probably laugh harder than you.

That’s OK.


Cute, huh?

A lil bit of truth is wrapped inside something that had me chuckling pretty good.  I’ve watched this conversation–dozens of times, helped it happen, facilitated a woman wanting to be understood deeply by her partner.

And watched the partner struggle experience being misunderstood as he tries to be present for her in ways that make very clear sense to him…and to her…well, not so much.

So…this video is jes’ a little somethin’ to think about…and chuckle about when you do.

Sometimes, some of our best learning, happens when we see a funny twist on it…make it fresh and the hilarity can bring a fresh inspiration to dealing with the issue.

Any problem, big or small, within a family, often seems to start with bad communication.  Someone isn


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