Hump Day Nudge: Sticking Together–Literally

There is very little that is of more value in this world than friends.

Folks who don’t have to be with you, like family does.

Folks who choose to be with you…

…even after, and sometimes especially after, they get to know you.

Folks who love you enough to:


  • laugh with you until milk comes out of your nose…and then laugh at that, even as you’re in pain
  • kick you in the butt when you need it
  • let you ugly-cry on their shoulders, even when there is no tissue handy and your nose is running
  • share an ice cream sundae with, even after your spoon drops onto the ground
  • listen to your hardest, most shaming moments, and softly say: yeah, me too
  • come over to your house and make you put on something nice and take you out, even when you fight to stay cocooned in depression…heck…maybe she even puts your mascara on you for you

And when you have a friend like that, the true gift is being able to trust them with your secrets, to let yourself soften into the inviting embrace, to feel the connection of community, and to let yourself be open to their love that comes in tough packages that are ultimately good for you.


In relationships, trust is like glue; if you don

I saw a clip of friends who trust, care for, and chose to stick together, quite literally, to make the impossible possible.  I love to witness the effort of both, the work of one, and the incredible trust of another to enjoy a hobby together.  Most paraplegics have to give up surfing…but when you have a friends that sticks by you…you can make anything work!



Send this blog entry in an email to your stick-through-anything-friend, and tell her or him that you thought of them when you read this…you’ll probably make their day!

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