I remember a good friend telling me, in a difficult time of life when I was stressed and struggling, and wondering how to make it through a day that when I cooked spaghetti for the tribe and I should throw a strand towards the ceiling to find out it is was cooked.
I looked at her a little cross-eyed, wondering what the heck she was doing, talking about sticking spaghetti to my kitchen ceiling when I was in the middle of a crisis.
She went on to tell me that I and my tribe would be better able to get through this, if I would find ways to create laughter and fun, even in the midst of the ugly and painful. That finding (or creating) reasons to giggle didn’t negate the difficulties, or cancel them out, or diminish them, but it would create moments of connection and energy that would make it possible to get through things.
I like this video…reminding us that play and fun and delight and joy makes work more attractive. We choose harder things, we can accomplish more, we can prevail to a greater degree when we have gas in our tank.
…and play puts gas in the tank.
Play isn’t just for children…it’s for all of us.
When we find the little spark of child-likeness in us, and throw a snowball, or tap someone on the far shoulder and watch them look for who’s there, or be a little silly in some way, it’s good for us.
I love those tender moments when, in the middle of a difficult conversation I might be having with a couple, one ever-so-gently teases the other in an inside joke that is lost on me…and they chuckle…and suddenly there’s a new warmth in the room…and renewed energy for the difficult task of relationship restoration.
Create a little fun in the midst of your work this week?
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