I forgot…

  • How much snow reflects the light and brightens the dark night when it lays over the browned autumn grass.
  • How it’s so much brighter late at night when there is snow on the ground.

All I was remembering was how cold the snow is and what a pain-in-the-butt it is to shovel.

I forgot

  • How much fun it is to find out that the snow is sticky and great for making snowballs, and even a little tiny 18 inch snowman. Took a junior member of my tribe to point it out to me.

Snowmen, even little 18 inch ones, remind us of the forgotten, playful side of winter.

All I remembered was how many layers I would have to put on to go outside, and how much more complicated it is to start the car first, put on boots, and so on, just to get a carton of milk.

I forgot

  • How incredibly beautiful it is to look up towards a single streetlight in the middle of the darkness and watch big snowflakes dance and swirl gently towards me as they softly fall. The junior tribe member hauled me out to the light, put his hands on my waist to shift me to “just the right spot” under the light. It really was un-buh-leev-able.

It is tempting to only remember the negative and forget the delightful and wonderful parts of a difficult experience.

All I remembered was how it was going to be slippery and take longer to get anywhere.

I’m glad that even though all I remembered is still going to happen, that there are important things about this snow that I forgot.

Thanx, winter, for reminding me.

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