Sometimes an idea comes along that seems so obvious, it’s astonishing that it has never been implemented before.
That thought occurred to me as I was reading this morning’s Free Press newspaper which talked about how flowers that are beautiful but have served their purpose (think centerpiece arrangements at a wedding, or flower sprays adorning the front of the stage at a conference) are now able to picked up and repurposed.
The blooms will bring color and life and joy and brightness and life to a lonely person in a hospital bed. The greenness will bring hope and energy and lushness to a single mom coming to get food at the food bank, and can brighten her home. I just love the thought of that. Flowers have healing properties that are food for the soul, just as bread is for the body.
When you have only two pennies left in the world,
buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other.
~Chinese Proverb
I have been known to enjoy a bright gerbera daisy in my home. I have it in the dining room during the day. In the late afternoon, I move it to the kitchen to brighten the space while I make dinner, and then it goes back to the dining room table to make a cheerful supper table for us.
Flowers shorten hospital stays, lower blood pressure, and decrease stress. Looking at growing things does a soul good.
Where flowers bloom so does hope. –
Lady Bird Johnson
Just sorry it took until now for us to figure out a way to make flowers available to those most in need of the restoration they bring. Thanx to Hennie, Barrie, David and Joyce for implementing a “food bank for the soul” with flowers!
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