Apparently, using the laws of aerodynamics, bumblebees can’t create sufficient lift with their wings to lift their bodies.
But, bumblebees can fly.
Clearly they can fly.
Apparently, the approach was all wrong. If you look at them like helicopters, rather than airplanes, science can prove that they can, in fact, fly.
Funny how science had to catch up with reality.
A friend came home today from overseas. She had the controversial procedure done that people with Multiple Sclerosis have been asking the government to consider funding. It’s called the “Liberation Procedure” for obvious reasons. I went to her fundraiser a few weeks ago…it’s a huge investment to go. It was a venture of faith.
It doesn’t make sense that it would work, given what modern medicine knows about MS.
But today, as they arrived home, she was the one pushing her husband in the wheelchair as they greeted their friends and family at the airport. Hilarious. Great sense of humor, that woman has. The image is priceless. C has been noticing improvement in her body since the procedure was done over a week. ago.
It might not make sense. But she’s noticeing improvement. Science doesn’t have to support it to be true.
Changes the possibilities for her. Big time
Hey, maybe the possibilities can change for any one of us as we face the situation head on, consider the options, do the research, get informed, and “got for it”. It may not be conventional or easily explainable. But who can tell you it won’t work?
Think about it.
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