Mezmerizing Son, Beautiful Mom

There is little that is more beautiful than watching a son conquer, with the help of a mother’s love and support…and especially so, when the son awes us with something that, is in itself, beautiful.


  • Conner has overcome significant challenges against all odds to do something that does him proud. That does a heart good to see. For those that face challanges, to witness this is fuel for the road.
  • There is little that is more attractive to me in life than to see the pure admiration of a parent for a child. Unadulterated love mixed with joy at seeing them loving themselves. His mother, Amy, has that look in her eyes. That’s awesome and the beauty in that makes my soul shiver.
  • The gentle delicate graceful arcs of the kite as it soars to the haunting music of Sarah McLachlan’s angel. Breathtaking.
You’re in the arms of an angel,
May you find some comfort there.

Connor Doran was eliminated from America’s Got Talent last night. Pity.

I can’t be sure, of course, but I am almost certain that didn’t diminish his mom’s pride in him one bit. Big smile on that one.

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